How Do Sensitive People Think?

How do sensitive people think?  We are quick multi-tasking big picture intuitive associative thinkers.  A more logical mind might wonder if we aren’t all over the place and scattered.  But we (mostly) know what we are doing. Of course logical thinking has much...

Three Ways We Block What We Want

 How Asking for Too Little, Saving the World, and Wanting to do “God’s Will” can get in the way… Wanting to bring something new into our lives or our business/work is what creates and changes the world.  We all do this constantly. But—it is a challenge to be conscious...

When words for tapping don’t come easily

Dear Rue,I am an EFT practitioner (2 yrs) and struggling. I believe I am struggling when I work with individuals using EFT because of my multi-tasking mind. My thoughts, ideas, are swirling around in my head. I can,  for the most part, see them clearly, but trying to...