A quick catch-up from me, and an invitation.

A year and a bit ago there was quite a bit of challenge going on in my life, much loss and sadness, and eventually I realized that I needed to take care of my own energy field. I stepped back from offering tapping classes and sessions.

I carried on being a teacher with the Lorian Association, though. This has been my deep joy and study, begun when I lived in the Findhorn spiritual community in the 1970’s. Ancient history now! But still alive in my life, as is energy meridian work. I thought you might be interested in how these two flows are blending in the teaching that I am currently doing. And I hope you will want to join in.

In the last few months I have been offering free monthly classes through Lorian that I call Energy Tending. They are in response to the current challenges we are experiencing.

Energy Tending is not only learning what to do when you wake up anxious in the middle of the night, but how we can turn our worry and upset toward being a useful earth-partner in a deeper sense, helping to ease this global, even cosmic, flow of change.

We are beginning to understand that the years ahead will be trying times. “Normal” as we have known it is probably not coming back. So how can we prepare ourselves? How can we meet each moment with steadiness and calm? I don’t mean that we are trying to stay in a state of calm in every moment. That is probably not possible, and may not even be desirable. But we do need to know how to keep looping back into our center of stillness, again and again and again, going forward.

What Humanity needs now is people who can find ways to nourish and strengthen our ability to know our own inner light, sovereignty, and sense of standing on our inner land, so we can hold up light and courage and hope for others to do the same.

Somehow it feels that we will be given the help that we need personally, if we can find a place to stand in ourselves that is an offering of help to the whole.

So I wanted you to know about my free series of classes on Energy Tending on Zoom, from July through December, on the third Thursday of the month (except for July).

This is an opportunity to return to balance within yourself and restore flow.

These sessions will explore simple, profound practices that you can do whenever you need soothing support, a way to calm your body and mind. I also want to help us to be prepared for rollercoaster ride of 2020-21. We are being called upon to stand in our presence and face the challenges and opportunities of this moment in history, be calm, centered and whole in selves in order that a new vision of possibilities can flow.

In addition to easing our own days, we can be First Responders of Spirit, essential energy workers, people who can stand steady and calm, become grounded in their strength and Standing Presence, and hold up Light and hope and courage for others.

That is what my friend and colleague David Spangler’s subtle realm colleagues say will be most useful going forward, as the earth and humanity continue the powerful jarring shift we are experiencing. As appropriate, in these classes I will also share new perspectives from this inner awareness on the times we are living in, what is happening and why.

The Energy Tending Series will remain a no-charge gift through Lorian. Join because you want to share the good work of nourishing and maintaining the flow of resources through Gaia in these times, through your own life. In December we will look at the plan again, and determine whether we want to carry on.

To be reminded of the class each month, sign up here.

I hope I will see many of your well loved faces on Zoom in these Energy Tending sessions. i have missed you! Let me know if you have questions or requests.

With my love and blessing to you, and with appreciation for your partnership in nurturing the common life we share.