This month’s newsletter article is a kind of “guest editorial.” It is longish, so at the end of this note from me there is a link to the article. I think that you will love reading it. What a wonderful honest story of transformation!

About this time last year I was finishing up a six month program that I had been focusing and teaching online and by telephone, called Re-Imagine Your Life. It encouraged participants to discover the story they had been telling themselves about who they were, and what was possible for them, and then to use tapping and other meridian methods to transform that old story into the deeper true story, one that actually serves them. The true story is always about being worthy.

Keven, the author of our article this month, was a participant in this program. Throughout the personal sessions that were a part of this program, he often (sheepishly at first) told me about his struggles and triumphs with doing an online racing game that was bringing up all of his old stories about self-hatred and self-sabotage.

Each time we talked, he would mention how he had taken a current topic of the program into his personal struggles as they showed up not only in his daily life, but in his playing of the racing game. Keven consciously decided to take on the racing game as a metaphor for his struggle to be present in his own life, his willingness to be visible, and his fear of being successful.

He said he was writing the story of all this, and would send it to me when he was done. Here it is at last!! I loved what he wrote, and I treasure the privilege of reading about his inner process.

Here are some of the concepts that we worked with in the Re-Imagine Your Life program that appear in Keven’s piece, with a bit of explanation as needed:

Kaizen—A process of taking “ridiculously small steps” toward change, in order to avoid triggering the amygdala, an organ in the brain that is on the alert for anything to be fearful of.  The prospect of change can cause fear. I wrote in an earlier newsletter about this:

Re-Imagining your story—What manifests in our lives emerges directly from the story we tell ourselves, consciously and unconsciously, about our identity, our worth and the meaning of what happens to us.

Positive intention of your saboteur—It is possible that when we sabotage our success, we are unconsciously trying to protect some vulnerable part of ourselves that fears being too present, too “incarnated.”

Asking for help—The ability to recognize that we thought we had to “tough it out and soldier on,” because we were alone in our struggle. Learning to receive.

Presence in your body—We are able to “leave” our bodies to avoid trauma and pain. When trauma happens repeatedly to a child, it becomes harder and harder to remember how to fully embody our Spirit. With tapping and other transformational work, we can literally re—member ourselves.

Incarnating fully—I believe that it is the purpose and the meaning of human life to learn how to incarnate fully in the earth, to be present as an individual. For a sensitive person, the temptation and often the yearning is to move toward re-uniting with “oneness,” instead of the seemingly scarier, more difficult movement toward embodying our specificity, our sacred sovereignty.

Being visible—For a sensitive person, it is often quite frightening to be seen.

Approval and connecting with self—We tend to try to gain approval from others, as a way of learning to approve of ourselves. Usually this doesn’t work, because “they” are unconsciously devoted to withholding approval…

My body is my ally—Our minds can get distracted and distorted, but our bodies tell the truth. Learning to trust our own inner knowing through our body’s response.

Belonging—the most important concept for a sensitive person. We may sell our souls to maintain the illusion of connection.

Allowing—Learning how to stop beating ourselves up for not being “perfect,” and learning to just open to the goodness that we already are inside. Accepting what is without resistance. Resistance just keeps the problem stuck to us.

Ancestry—the idea that there is an unhealed wound in our family’s ancestral spirit. Each of us, in each generation, has the opportunity to transform the wound through living our lives the best we can. There are equally powerful ancestral gifts of strength that support us to do this.

Now read Keven’s article, Realizing I Belong Here!  You will be glad that you did!

With my love and blessings to you —


Illustrations courtesy of